Using OF Operator in Percentages

Concept Explanation

Using OF Operator in Percentages


Using OF operator in Percentages:

We simply replace the OF operator with a multiply sign.


1. ;;;frac{3}{4}; of ;80; pencils =frac{3}{4} times 80 = 60; pencils

2. ;;;40% ;of; 300 =frac{40}{100} times 300 = 120

Illustration: Find  frac{5}{9} of  180.

Solution:  frac{5}{9}times 180

               =5times 20  = 100


Illustration: Find the number of cups if frac{4}{7};;of ;;4200;;=;;total ;;number ;;of ;;cups

Solution:   Total number of cups =  frac{4}{7}times 4200

                                                 =4times 600

                                                = 2400

Illustration: Find frac{5}{7};; of ;;98

Solution:  frac{5}{7}times 98

              =5times 14

             = 70

Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

If 23% of z is 46 , then find z.

Right Option : C
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Question : 2

If a cylindrical tank containing 500 litres of water lost 8% by leakage and evaporation,then num-ber of liters left in the tank is :

Right Option : B
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Question : 3

25% of 1Kg is _____________

Right Option : C
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